Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Termed augmentation mammoplasty, cosmetic breast implant surgery re-contours breasts for functional purposes, but more often, for aesthetic purposes.

During the breast implant procedure, a silicone breast implant, "gummy bear" breast implant, saline breast implant or gel breast implant is inserted under a woman's pectoral muscle wall or tucked just behind the mammary tissue itself. Although an under-muscle breast implant is more natural to the eye, it does have the negative side effect of protracted breast implant recovery time.

According to the breast implant surgeon's evaluation of a patient's chest anatomy, incisions are made either around the nipple (the areola) or close to the underarm region.

If there are no breast implant complications, the plastic surgery breast implant procedure will last about two hours, after which, the breast implant recovery takes almost two weeks. Given that a breast implant problem does occur, however, the cosmetic surgeon may opt to perform breast implant removal.

The cost of breast implants ranges with the following factors: breast implant size, breast implant material and breast implant doctor rates.

Surgery Costs

Breast Surgery Costs

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in 2003 the average cost of breast reduction surgery was $5351, the average breast augmentation cost was $3360...

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